
This is a members-only website for former students and staff members of Lynwood Academy. If you have registered previously do not submit another registration form. Your membership is still on record and is still valid. If you have forgotten your password click here to have it mailed to you. If you have changed your email address you can still login with your old address and change it after you have logged in.

Registration is restricted to former students and staff members. Registration is free for qualified applicants.

What is your present name?


What was your name at the time you attended Lynwood Academy?

(Enter only if different from your present name)


(required) e.g.,

Be sure to type your email address accurately or you will not receive your password.
Allow Email
Please use this format "mm/dd/yyyy"
type the address of your personal website here

Contact Information

This information will be seen by classmates if you indicate your approval below. Otherwise, it will only be used by the administration here at the website and class coordinators, i.e., those who might be planning events such as class reunions.

e.g. USA

Display Address
Tell us about your life since you left Lynwood Academy

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Webmaster: Jerry Robertson